Workplace Violence & Crime Prevention
As the employer, taking measures against theft, vandalism, and violence & harassment in the workplace not only reduces the costs associated with damage, loss, injuries, and potential fines and legal proceedings, it’s simply the right thing to do.
Crime prevention consists of a lot more than just installing new door locks, a dummy camera, and posting signage in the hopes that these will serve as effective deterrents so that everyone can get on with their day; it’s a daily mindset that should be a part of your organization’s philosophical and operational fabric and should encompass every aspect of company business. No one likes to consider the possibility of crimes occurring in the workplace, but without properly assessing the potential for loss from criminal behavior (originating both from within and without), and without implementing the required measures, the hazards will remain uncontrolled and your employees and company property (and potentially your company’s reputation) will remain at risk.
Daedalus Safety Group has the operational experience, training, and qualifications to provide the support our customers need to ensure they can employ the best strategies possible for mitigating the potential for crime at their worksites.
We currently offer the following:
Site Security & CTPED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) Assessments
Employee Threat Surveys
Custom Tabletop Exercises
Conference Presentations
Customized Services
If you require assistance with the development of new practices, procedures, or even an entire Crime Prevention Program, or if you would like for us to evaluate the effectiveness of your current system in place, let us know.